The Mindoula App

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Your Mindoulas, a Click or Call Away

Illustration of Mindoula and patient high-fiving

Our Technology Platform
Is Top Notch

We've built a rich technology platform to help our Mindoulas collaborate with each other and with providers inside and outside our network around every aspect of your healthcare. The most visible component of this capability is an app built for both iOS and Android that makes texting us and checking in with us convenient and easy. Under the hood is a HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform specifically tailored to behavioral health case management, care coordination, navigation, and collaborative care.

Illustration of Mindoula Messenger

We Keep Your
Challenges Private

Our platform is private and secure, and completely separate from your regular SMS texting, other apps you use, and other websites you visit – keeping your life challenges private between us and you. Your friends and family members can’t read the text messages you send us using the Mindoula Messenger app. Your check-in history and call history are also completely private. We realize there is still stigma around mental health, so we give you a communication channel that is not only stigma free but also unconnected to your other communications.

Illustration of analytics on a computer

We Spot Patterns
You May Not See

We use data science and more than 55 algorithms, app-based analytics, check-in data, branched assessments and surveys, and the words you use, to identify pattern changes and risk flags in real-time -- helping us parachute into your life when necessary but stay out of your hair when skies are clear. Our proprietary psychometrics and assessment tools are adaptive, and powered by what matters today rather than what happened in your past.

Let's do this together!

Schedule a FREE in-person or telephonic consultation